1.NO food, drinks (only bottled waters), gum or candy is allowed in the studio.

2.Cover-ups must be worn over dance clothes when outside of the dance studio.

3.DO NOT wear your dance shoes outside of the studio. This is harmful to the dance floor and will also help extend the life of your shoes

4.Please treat the studio with respect.

5.Restrooms are located inside the studio. This should be accessible between classes only.

6.Please drop off and pick up your child promptly.

7.Students may arrive ONLY 10 minutes before their scheduled class time.

8.In order to create an environment of integrity and respect, gossiping about students, parents, staff or other studios will not be tolerated.

9. All classes are private. Dancers only allowed in the classrooms. Dancers will be dismissed to their parents after class.


1.Tuition is based on a 10-11 month dance season. Tuition fees remain the same regardless of holidays or absences.

2.All checks should be made out to Southern Poise Dance, INC. On the “for” line, please write your childs name and what your payment is for. Example “Megan Stovall August Tuition”

3.All online payments should be sent on the Venmo app. Our username is “Southernpoisedance” Please fill in what your payment is for.

4.Cash is accepted as well. If you pay in cash, it must be sent in an envelope with your Childs name and write out what it's for.

5.All payments that have not been paid by the 7th will automatically add a $20 late fee.

6.There will be NO REFUND of registration fees, tuition, recital fees or any costume fees.


1.Dance attire and proper shoes must be worn to all classes and rehearsals. We do not require a specific uniform. Leotards must be worn with tights or dance shorts. NO bare legs with leotards! T-shirts and sweats are only worn for Hip-Hop.

2.The proper shoes must be worn to each class. If your child has an issue and isn’t able to wear their proper shoes for any reason, please send a note or text Megan earlier in the day.

3.For acro, jazz, lyrical, contemporary, hip-hop & tap classes: students may wear leotards, tank tops or crop tops with leggings or dance shorts.

4.Hair must be pulled back away from face and secured tightly.

5.STRICTLY ENFORCED: Ballet or Pointe classes must wear any solid-colored leotard and pink tights. Ballet skirt is optional. Ballet and pointe shoes must be worn at all times.

6.Please make sure that your dancers name is written inside all dance shoes, on their dance bag and other belongings.

7. Ballet- Light Pink Ballet shoes, Tap - Black Tap Shoes, Jazz- Tan Jazz Shoes, Lyrical/Contemporary- Tan Half Soles, Hip-Hop- Clean sneakers, Acro- Barefoot.